But the really important Marshallian revolution was, in my view, to push the engine of economic analysis onto the track of price theory. 但是,真正重要的马歇尔革命,我认为,推给价格理论跟踪经济分析引擎。
Research on Price Theory and Price Model in the Context of Modern Market Economy 现代市场经济的价格理论与价格博弈研究
The basic price theory that explains the advantage of competitive conditions over the absence of competition is presented first. 首先谈到的是基本价格理论,该理论是用来说明竞争性的市场优于不具有竞争性的市场。
The necessity and possibility of the service price reform within higher leaming institutions are analyzed based on the equilibrium price theory, and the establishment of the higher education market is also. 文章运用经济均衡价格理论,对高教服务价格改革的必要性和可行性进行了分析和论证。
It may also be noted that both value theory and price theory are directed to the vertical axis on the conventional demand and supply diagram. 也许还应该指出,无论价值理论和价格理论是针对传统的对需求和供给图垂直轴。
Since the time of Alfred Marshall, value theory has been transformed into price theory and the terms'value'and'price'have generally ( but not completely) been used interchangeably. 自阿尔弗雷德马歇尔的时间,价值理论已纳入价格理论和术语'价值'和'价格'转化一般(但不完全)被交替使用。
According to the hedonic price theory of western country, I make use of the hedonic price model to analyze characteristics of the various features of variable effects on prices. 本文借鉴西方的特征价格理论,建立特征价格模型来分析各个特征变量对价格的影响。
Administered price theory The missile is guided by remoter control. 操纵价格论,受控价格论导弹受遥控装置的控制。
On the Limit of the Traditional Price Theory& To Interpret the price mechanism of software products as a Example 传统价格理论的局限&以软件产品价格形成机理解释为例
Study on the Price Theory of Industrial Land and the Lowest Granting Price Standard 工业用地价格理论与出让最低价标准研究
The New-classical Flaws of Market Price Theory and the Building of Marxist Price Theory; 新古典市场价格理论的缺陷与马克思市场价格理论基础的构建(下篇)
The theories that guide university personnel training cost accounting are investment theory, cost price theory and benefit theory. 指导高校人才培养成本核算的理论依据主要有投资理论、成本价格理论和效益理论。
In the end, it provides a method by option price theory to estimate the costs of construction bond. 最后运用期权价格理论给出了确定工程担保费用的一种方法。
Basing on spot price theory, this paper proposed a cost offer model suitable for a power plant. 基于实时成本理论,介绍了一种适合于电厂报价的成本报价模型。
The paper tries to analyze the cause of which the traditional price theory loses the power of explanation. 本文分析了传统价格理论解释无力的局限性原因。
The second part introduces Marx's rental and land price theory and property right theory. 第二部分主要介绍了马克思的地租地价理论和产权理论并且阐述了这些基础理论对确定土地收购价格的启示。
The second stage is a process in which the price theory took the place of value theory. 后一个阶段是一个价格理论替代价值理论的过程。
The theory of efficient capital market and capital asset price theory is the basic theory of modern financial investment. 资本市场有效性理论与资产定价理论是当今金融领域理论研究的两大基本理论,也是现代金融投资理论的核心。
This paper makes research on the practical field of project biding and quoting price theory and method based on latest research on it inland and abroad by applying the method of artificial intelligence. 本文在研究国内外投标报价决策理论与方法的最新成果基础上,运用人工智能的相关方法和思想,提出了工程投标报价决策支持系统的理论框架和相关方法,并进行了实际应用研究。
Secondly, the section actual situation of real option, game theory and price theory. 其次介绍了实物期权理论、博弈论和企业价值评估和定价理论的研究现状;
This paper summarizes the development of electricity price theory, mostly in electricity price formation mechanism and electricity price system. 文章主要从电价形成机制与电价体系等方面对电价的理论发展进行了综述。
First, according to the price theory of elasticity and the resources disposition theory: The RMB actual exchange rate change mainly the export commodity through the nominal exchange rate and the inflation two way influence the demand and the supplies and element of production resources redeploying. 首先根据价格弹性理论和资源配置理论:人民币实际汇率变化主要通过名义汇率和通货膨胀两种途径影响出口商品的需求和供给及生产要素资源的重新配置。
Secondly, traditional futures price forming theories mainly including the cost-of-carry theory and equilibrium price theory are simply introduced. 接下来,先是简单阐述了传统的期货价格形成理论,即持有成本理论和均衡价格理论。
The problem is addressed and the paper presents security price theory. 本论文对这一问题进行了探讨,提出安全电价理论。
The film advertisement uses the fixed price theory to the movie to carry on the rational fixed price. 运用定价理论对电影贴片广告进行理性定价。
No considering the case of external factors, the share reform on the influence of price theory. 在不考虑外在因素情况下,对股权分置改革对股价的影响做理论分析。
Furthermore, the author realizes theoretical innovation by combining the contract theory and the multiple price theory. 此外,本文还通过对契约理论和多元价格理论的融合与发展实现了经济学理论创新。
This section first by holding cost theory and price theory analysis of equilibrium futures pricing issue, followed by the discounted cash flow model, zero-growth model, the same growth model to analyze the stock price determination theory. 本部分首先通过持有成本理论和均衡价格理论分析了期货定价的问题,之后用现金流贴现模型、零增长模型、不变增长模型分析了股票价格的决定理论。
All of this show that the Labor Value Theory is the direction of the general price theory. 这些充分显示了基于劳动价值论的价格总水平理论是价格总水平理论的发展方向。
Price theory is the basis of economics. 价格理论是经济学的基础。